Citizens Advice is 85 years old!
Throughout September, we have been celebrating the remarkable milestone of Citizens Advice turning 85 on the 4th September. Our charity also opened in 1939 on the 24th September. We have celebrated in a variety of ways, engaging all of our incredible staff and volunteers to express our heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering dedication and contribution. To mark the occasion, we put together a fascinating collection of memorabilia spanning eight and a half decades, which was showcased in our “Celebrations Room.”
Our staff and volunteers have also shared their reflections on being part of Citizens Advice…….
“Working at CADW has been incredibly rewarding. I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact we have on our community, helping people navigate challenges and empowering them with knowledge.”
“Since joining CA I have been constantly impressed with everyone’s commitment to supporting clients and staff, and in providing a service that has continued for 85 years. I feel very privileged to be working with such fantastic teams.”
“Volunteering for CA is a wonderful thing to do and so rewarding, helping people to do things that they’re unable to do for themselves. What I do-and I’ve been doing it for the last 25 years-really does make a positive difference to peoples’ lives.”
This has been more than just marking an anniversary—it’s has been a time to reflect on the lasting impact we’ve made, the lives we’ve touched, and the communities we’ve served.
We would like to share a short poem written by Wendy Glear (one of our Referral Support Assessors) especially for the 85th birthday:
I’ve worked at Citizens Advice since 2001
23 years. How quickly those years have gone,
I’ve been in various roles: admin, debt, BST, RSA
It’s been a fab working experience every day,
As a local service for local people we are committed to helping all
We are just at the end of a phone call,
We show compassion will never go out of fashion
We look forward to change whatever the range,
So Happy 85th birthday Cit A
Cheers and Hip, Hip Hooray