Self Management Programme
What is this service and who can access it?
This service is open to Dudley Borough residents who have a long term physical or mental health conditions or are a Carer. They will help you to stay well and improve your quality of life by learning skills to address your symptoms/caring situations.
Our courses run for 2.5 hours per week for 6 weeks, all year round. They are delivered through group sessions in community venues around the Dudley Borough. Courses are also delivered online too. Sessions are run by trained and accredited volunteers, who also manage their own health conditions/caring situations on a day to day basis.
Our available courses are:
Chronic Disease Self Management Programme (CDSMP) – for adults living with a long term physical or mental health condition
Diabetes – Chronic Disease Self Management Programme for adults with Type 2 diabetes
Caring for Me and You – for adults who are care givers to friends and relatives with health conditions or disabilities
See more details in our leaflet here
How can this service be accessed?
For more information or to book a course contact by:
Telephone – 07976 637404 Monday – Friday 9.00 – 4.30pm
Email –
Please note courses are also available in community languages subject to demand