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Money Advice Service

What is the service and who can access it?

Our debt advice service delivers free face to face or telephone debt advice to the residents of Dudley Borough and Wolverhampton. Our debt caseworkers always work with a non-judgemental and empathetic approach to clients. Many people are in debt due to dramatic changes to their lives, such as loss of employment, bereavement, relationship breakdown etc.
The discussions with a debt caseworker will take into consideration your individual financial situation and you will be advised on the best possible options that are available.

How can we help?

  • We can help you to make affordable offers of payment to your creditors
  • Deal with any court action
  • plan for your financial future

Please bring with you:

  • Proof of ID e.g. driving licence, passport, identity card, bank statement, tenancy agreement, utility bills
  • Proof of income e.g. wage slips, bank statements, benefit letters
  • Any recent letters from your creditors, copies of agreements, insurance policies or any other relevant document

How can this service be accessed?

You can find out how access the Money Advice service by looking at our Get Advice – Debt and Money page link HERE


Do you need immediate help with the cost of living?

See our resources by clicking the link: Cost of living resources

You can get help by going to your local council:

If you are a City of Wolverhampton resident, please go to:

If you are a Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council resident, please go to: